Downloadable Training Program & Charts


Our downloadable programs are developed mixing the experience of our coaching staff and performance athletes. These programs are constantly updated and reviewed to ensure successful outcomes for the users.
Here are the steps:
1) Order one or more program/s and or chart/s and complete the payment.
2) After receiving your payment we will send you an email with the downloadable link.
3) For the program/s, from the day you receive the downloadable link you have 7 days for downloading the program/s with a maximum of 2 downloads per program within the 7-day period.
4) Print and/or save the program within the 7-day period.
5) Intellectual property applies in all programs. This means only the purchaser can use the program.
6) Read the program guidelines, embrace the program, start training.


Other Dawnloable Program on Request: (cantact us)
Run Middle Distance (5km to 10km)Training Program 8 Weeks
Run Marathon Porgram Training Program 14 Weeks
Triathlon Sprint Distance Training Program 12 Weeks
Triathlon Standard Distance Training Program 14 Weeks
Triathlon Half Ironman (70.3 Triathlon) Distance 16 Weeks
Triathlon Ironman Training Program 18 Weeks

Additional information


Triathlon Winter Training Program 12 Weeks $135, Run Half Marathon 10 Week Program $95, Strength & Weight Training for Triathlon Off & On-Season Program $65, Swim 2.5km Basic Program – 6 Sessions CN – Intermediate Level $25, Swim 3km Strength Program – 11 Sessions BK – Advanced Level $ 35, Swim 4km to 5km Strenght & Tempo Pace Program – 9 Sessions – Performance Level $35, Swim Dry Land Strength Exercises $0, Swim Stretching Exercises $0, Running Drills $0, Total ABS Exercises $0